Reparation Demand for African Development
Global African Business Spring!
International Multiracial Shared Cultural Organization (IMSCO)
“NGO Specialized with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations”
Compliments of African people in the Diaspora USA, Latin America, Caribbean
Effective immediately: 7/8/2013
IMSCO’S Reparation -LIST©
Global African Business Spring, a long over due Human Right!
Following are ways to obtain billions of US$ monthly and annually due African People’s in (Reparation Levy)
"Vote IMMANENT DOMAIN" as a NEW DAY weapon 1.5 billion global Africans can use to stop exploiters and save Africa.
Effective immediately: In order to save Africa and maintain ownership control of African land and vast wealth and opportunities all African people are call on to confront and demand foreign companies and organizations trading and conduct business of any kind to immediately begin paying monthly levy to the “IMSCO’S Reparation – Fund” on behalf of Africans African Diaspora people or face international trade and market sanctions.
In response to the United Nations Millennium Development Goals MDG’s call for an end to poverty by 2015; IMSCO on behalf of victims of poverty and human right abuses has established the IMSCO African Reparation project to help ensure success of the UN/MDG’s to help level the playing field for Africans and all who wish to take part. The IMSCO African Reparation project is designed to put teeth into the UN mandated MDG’s as a special ECOSOC NGO innovative project.
To end poverty, exile, wrongful imprisonment of global African men, women and youth IMSCO African Reparation project aim to use sanctions and every available means to assist African people and their allies to immediately start gaining proper education to replace trade links and funding needed for access to knowledge to regain stolen African land, business and jobs and opportunities inclusion hidden and denied them by global states representatives and multinationals partners tokenism. IMSCO African Reparation project aim to target all governments and private foreign local and international institutions. The economic sanctions are aimed at market shares, products, small and start-up business busting by politicians bad policies removes opportunities at the local, national and international supported by invading organizations that have and are avoiding African due levy payments too African indigenous and Diaspora people. Protecting the people to end foreign inflicted poverty, re-unite family with land, wealth and cultural re-establishment is the goal here. The funds and opportunity will help being marginalized indigenous and professional African people from being stuck in the past into present day with levy amounts in the billions of USD$ annually often by developing and providing the needed tools and banning useless bias Aid that never in 70th year have reach a single worth while success with Haiti being the latest worse Aid case. And Haiti being in the western world as most all
African American youth are facing the same faith.
Immanent Domain
The global African communities number 1.5 billion African people claiming African ancestry who never gave up any of African people rights to the land or resources during the centuries of struggles and based on these rights Africans have the international power as a united family to use their political power to enforce Immanent Domain take full control of all the land on behalf of the African family. Africa today is a continent of 1. billion people, fifty percent of whom are under 20 years of age. Meanwhile, the average age of an African Head of State is 62. The global African youth is asked to stand and fight, to team up and be eyes and ears for the IMSCO African Reparation project, community efforts to return wealth to the people, resettle on African land and employ every African person (youth) who wish the same in this IMSCO family QUEST. African youth needs to re-build Africa!
Why Reparations? Because due reparations levy is a CASH Credit Card, ATM Card worth billions of USD with no interest payments, CASH Africans have earned and or due and can now demand successfully and immediately. Why now? Because the western world leadership formerly held by by America and Europe have changed hands. America the EU members and others involved in African people enslavement and economic down fall are no longer in control of the earth mineral wealth and resources, what money is made of. African now has an advantage, control with China on the rise are needing Africa as much as America and its bias often European partners reaching back to the first 1882 Berlin chat that divided an enslaved African people and oppress Africans and indigenous people development still. Europe and America are broke, down graded from AAA to AA and B and F in rating by the Moody’s Rating system based on a nations or banks credit rating. African reparation levy drive due all Africans is based on human right, international laws set by all people not on an American election or Africa or European election or a state or political representative. Any person or State that violates human right can get the CHAIR!.
IMSCO African Reparation project can and will obtain monthly and annual business gross earnings and due shares of stolen wealth and properties taken from Africa and the global African family. IMSCO global teams have and will continuing to research and demand the levy contributions and full opportunities due Africans victory regardless the cost to get the world’s foot off their necks and land. African land is not now and will never be for sale anymore than the people of China was willing to let Brittan keep its hands on Hong Kong or African ancestors were willing to give up African land and government control over their future off springs, present day Africans birthright. Do Africans have support? Every law ever written on human right suggest yes!
Power is taken never given and only the black man can give the black man real power.
Oppression and poverty for Africans is due to denial of human right links to African land.
Africans will never have a better time than now to demand and write their own African Reparation checks, have their cake and eat it too. African oppressors never saw this day coming. African and other people of color who are out of the skin game closet must now face off with their oppressors false class privilege and end this matter once and for all for the good of all.
There can be no levy excuse or exceptions! Those refusing will face sanctions!
Levy payments will assist all levels of African development:
It is important to take note that no government, Head of State or representative of a state, persons private or public organizations own the rights of African people’s African property, human right or right to self-determination where it comes to African land and property anywhere.
African people have the right to collect levy due them by any means as payment for centuries of human right violations and continued abuses and may enforce on persons, organizations resources, market and product sanctions and banning to address and gain payment for such human right abuses. IMSCO’S Reparation -LIST (IRL) and “IMSCO’S Reparation – Fund (IRF)” under a mandate by African people’s hereby serve this notice to all concern and involved in such attacks on African people that African people and IMSCO representatives will carry out to the best of their ability demands set by suffering African people this mandate in all nations and communities of the globe now and in the future until such crimes and abuses have been considered by IMSCO and its appointed representatives as paid in full and returned to the rightful owners.
All who cooperate and partner with African people as global stakeholders in African development needs meeting IMSCO’S -LIST people approval shall receive a full welcome and cooperation to the global African community for select business and trade projects related to interests of African people under IMSCO’S (Good Relations compliance) and charter rules. Those who do not pay the requested levy and fully cooperate will be denied, not welcomed to conduct business and trade freely with African people and their communities.
It is important to understand that African states representatives, the United States of America, South and Latin American, European Nations, the African Union or foreign private companies do not own or have the right to sell African land or resources without the written voted consent of all African people’s Representatives including Africans in the Diaspora respectively. African people human right, right to self-determination and right to collective own and share African property and co-development having never been abandon by African people’s ancestors shall defended the right to trade directly with each other and use every means available to ensure African families right to live and prosper collectively before any none African foreigner. The one billion five hundred million people of Africa and exiled family members in the Diaspora welcome true allies and able partners in the development of Africa that respect the right of African Diaspora and Africans to decide what is best for African people as a family with equal rights to the land and resources of Africans and African Diaspora people foreign and domestic. However Africa is not for sale anymore than China, Korea, Japan, Russia or India.
Human Right and Property Right
Those who try to use pity and aid too jump the African opportunity fence ahead of Africans and Africans exiled in the Diaspora to get back home know well their action is a theft; a cultural crime against humanity. Foreign contracts business and land claims existing or being made under these clandestine acts may not be honored by Africans in Africa or the African Diaspora. Would the invading foreigners wish to have their rightful land and homes over ran by others? We think not. African people demand transparent partnerships direct with African owners / stakeholders. To attempt to do other wise will only invite more international conflicts. African people's land and business culture includes African people in the USA, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean. It is in the best interest of all to respect the global human, cultural property and land rights all African and indigenous people.
IMSCO is a “NGO Specialized with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations” mandated to carry out its humanitarian duty by 192 UN Member States. IMSCO aim is to demand and collect proper levy due African and African Diaspora people past and present to end poverty and assist in total African to African co-development and economic liberation from foreign oppression corruption that divides African people in all areas of co-development as global partners.
Please take the time and read the following and even add your own ideas on how to assist in finding ways to bring success to this much need United Nations MDG’s project.
So African people must now use their vast land resources and economic veto and revolt through their own African Business Spring as others and taking back their inheritance and throwing the exploitive foreigners out and trading with them only from across boarders. Having built America and much of present day Europe Africans in the Diaspora teamed with Africans can rebuild an Africa the will be Africa they can and must take over all management and control as the people of China and India has. Africa did this so well six hundred to two thousand years ago that today the whole world is standing on Africans earth first human to stand and walk upright cultural creations; the constructions of the great civilizations that built Sudan, Ghana, Congo and yes Egypt and Ethiopia to name a few of many empires Africans built and now must rebuild.
IMSCO proudly take this lead role in helping Africans target person(s) and organizations and government systems that has teamed up in corruption and human right violations and crimes against humanity designed to steal historical and present-day African land and wealth. IMSCO people have shown over the centuries that they have the will and power to make their own changes in their lives and will continue to do so using the African Business Spring to take full control of their birthright and inheritance. Witnessed by western economic decline of the green GOD the $ dollar and China and the other grabbing for African land and wealth divided by far too many African failed leaders pulled in 54 directions with the world laughing at them leaving Africans with not enough ground to be buried on. Africans must now go all out and totally protect their vast wealth and land and resources; what money is made of that gives Africans control of their own economy destiny the known world cannot exist without. African people built the first civilization whose foundation still exist in Egypt and across Africa and now they demand back all that was taken and stolen.
It’s not only just the deadly so call fundamentalist that are destroying global civilization that do in fact need corrections; it is the western world greed and racism that are intent on hanging on to the status of BOSS of the world that are destroying our planet and blocking people of color returning home, those who do not sell out their family, land and wider human development needs.
Call on American soldier’s, veterans all who believe in freedom to help
IMSCO urge all professional and non-professionals people from the global community to take this human right stand and support the African Business Spring revolution. IMSCO ask the Protect people’s human right to trade and co-develop and live as dual citizens, free people, or give up your own freedom claim and right to travel and freedom to lands and trade.
IMSCO looks forward to your commitment to be free people and assist other in supporting the use of sanctions to collect the due Reparations and shares of wealth and land Africans and all yes others in need deserves. Most of all to help motivated youth to stand proud and inherit a world with minds free from the yokes of horrors of a world that would see Africans dead in order to grab their land and wealth. Africans will survive this last minute horror before total victory and the world must remember the "Six Degrees of Separation and what's goes around often comes around".
In closing IMSCO’S Reparation -LIST (IRL) and “IMSCO’S Reparation – Fund (IRF)” is a global guide for the African Business Spring. All you and your family and friends need do is support IMSCO with one dollar or more and refuse to purchase buy from any exploitive company or organization to be posted monthly on the IMSCO DO NOT BUY LIST on IMSCO and other websites to block raiders and hackers working for the enemy of the people. If you know something say something? The funds collected is tax 100% deductible and will be 100% for supporting education and a end to poverty through African to African co-development worldwide.
Send IMSCO your list of companies you feel should be boycotted and sanctions listed?
Starting now IMSCO’S Reparation -LIST (IRL) will request quarterly and monthly levy be sent to the above address or account holders? The general public or Africans will receive a list of education and business grants and jobs available monthly if you show proven support for IMSCO’S Reparation -LIST. Marginalized and 100% disabled people living in deep poverty are exempt from needing to show proven support. Send IMSCO a list of foreign and domestic companies and organizations including NGO’s ONG’s and government representatives you feel should be paying levy and doing a better job cooperating fully with African people development.
Report companies to boycott and sanction any wrong doings and send the name and detail information to email:[email protected].
Its up to you the people so make your contribution to:
Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation for building a better world.
“NGO Specialized with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations”
Compliments of African people in the Diaspora USA, Latin America, Caribbean
Effective immediately: 7/8/2013
IMSCO’S Reparation -LIST©
Global African Business Spring, a long over due Human Right!
Following are ways to obtain billions of US$ monthly and annually due African People’s in (Reparation Levy)
"Vote IMMANENT DOMAIN" as a NEW DAY weapon 1.5 billion global Africans can use to stop exploiters and save Africa.
Effective immediately: In order to save Africa and maintain ownership control of African land and vast wealth and opportunities all African people are call on to confront and demand foreign companies and organizations trading and conduct business of any kind to immediately begin paying monthly levy to the “IMSCO’S Reparation – Fund” on behalf of Africans African Diaspora people or face international trade and market sanctions.
In response to the United Nations Millennium Development Goals MDG’s call for an end to poverty by 2015; IMSCO on behalf of victims of poverty and human right abuses has established the IMSCO African Reparation project to help ensure success of the UN/MDG’s to help level the playing field for Africans and all who wish to take part. The IMSCO African Reparation project is designed to put teeth into the UN mandated MDG’s as a special ECOSOC NGO innovative project.
To end poverty, exile, wrongful imprisonment of global African men, women and youth IMSCO African Reparation project aim to use sanctions and every available means to assist African people and their allies to immediately start gaining proper education to replace trade links and funding needed for access to knowledge to regain stolen African land, business and jobs and opportunities inclusion hidden and denied them by global states representatives and multinationals partners tokenism. IMSCO African Reparation project aim to target all governments and private foreign local and international institutions. The economic sanctions are aimed at market shares, products, small and start-up business busting by politicians bad policies removes opportunities at the local, national and international supported by invading organizations that have and are avoiding African due levy payments too African indigenous and Diaspora people. Protecting the people to end foreign inflicted poverty, re-unite family with land, wealth and cultural re-establishment is the goal here. The funds and opportunity will help being marginalized indigenous and professional African people from being stuck in the past into present day with levy amounts in the billions of USD$ annually often by developing and providing the needed tools and banning useless bias Aid that never in 70th year have reach a single worth while success with Haiti being the latest worse Aid case. And Haiti being in the western world as most all
African American youth are facing the same faith.
Immanent Domain
The global African communities number 1.5 billion African people claiming African ancestry who never gave up any of African people rights to the land or resources during the centuries of struggles and based on these rights Africans have the international power as a united family to use their political power to enforce Immanent Domain take full control of all the land on behalf of the African family. Africa today is a continent of 1. billion people, fifty percent of whom are under 20 years of age. Meanwhile, the average age of an African Head of State is 62. The global African youth is asked to stand and fight, to team up and be eyes and ears for the IMSCO African Reparation project, community efforts to return wealth to the people, resettle on African land and employ every African person (youth) who wish the same in this IMSCO family QUEST. African youth needs to re-build Africa!
Why Reparations? Because due reparations levy is a CASH Credit Card, ATM Card worth billions of USD with no interest payments, CASH Africans have earned and or due and can now demand successfully and immediately. Why now? Because the western world leadership formerly held by by America and Europe have changed hands. America the EU members and others involved in African people enslavement and economic down fall are no longer in control of the earth mineral wealth and resources, what money is made of. African now has an advantage, control with China on the rise are needing Africa as much as America and its bias often European partners reaching back to the first 1882 Berlin chat that divided an enslaved African people and oppress Africans and indigenous people development still. Europe and America are broke, down graded from AAA to AA and B and F in rating by the Moody’s Rating system based on a nations or banks credit rating. African reparation levy drive due all Africans is based on human right, international laws set by all people not on an American election or Africa or European election or a state or political representative. Any person or State that violates human right can get the CHAIR!.
IMSCO African Reparation project can and will obtain monthly and annual business gross earnings and due shares of stolen wealth and properties taken from Africa and the global African family. IMSCO global teams have and will continuing to research and demand the levy contributions and full opportunities due Africans victory regardless the cost to get the world’s foot off their necks and land. African land is not now and will never be for sale anymore than the people of China was willing to let Brittan keep its hands on Hong Kong or African ancestors were willing to give up African land and government control over their future off springs, present day Africans birthright. Do Africans have support? Every law ever written on human right suggest yes!
Power is taken never given and only the black man can give the black man real power.
Oppression and poverty for Africans is due to denial of human right links to African land.
Africans will never have a better time than now to demand and write their own African Reparation checks, have their cake and eat it too. African oppressors never saw this day coming. African and other people of color who are out of the skin game closet must now face off with their oppressors false class privilege and end this matter once and for all for the good of all.
There can be no levy excuse or exceptions! Those refusing will face sanctions!
- Reparation Levy payments, fair trade and ownership partnership rights will be enforced to protect human rights and property rights from targeted groups.
- Pay levy direct to: IMSCO's website at
- Pay levy direct to: IMSCOGLOBAL 4 Park Avenue, NYC 10016 USA
- IMSCOGLOBAL “Levy / Contributions Receipts” will be sent by email or text.
- All payments / donations are 100% Tax deductible gifts government duty free
- Send IMSCO your list on who should face boycotts and sanctions.
- Police your rights and community to obtain wealth for business development and meaningful life long jobs.
- Take back your farmland, land for a beach house, land to build a factory or chain of hotels.
Levy payments will assist all levels of African development:
- African Education scholarships, business developments, jobs, and global African development programs.
- Contributions to the African Diaspora Reparation Fund, “IMSCO’S Reparation – Fund (IRF)”helps pay for centuries of wrongdoings, return of stolen assets, loss of and denied education and properties of all kind.
- African re-location and resettlement back into Africa land and society.
- The levy will assist in funding IMSCO US billion dollars & resource Fund that can pay your bills and education free of fees.
- The levy will help African youth build a fleet of plans and cargo ships and space craft to enter the space race.
It is important to take note that no government, Head of State or representative of a state, persons private or public organizations own the rights of African people’s African property, human right or right to self-determination where it comes to African land and property anywhere.
African people have the right to collect levy due them by any means as payment for centuries of human right violations and continued abuses and may enforce on persons, organizations resources, market and product sanctions and banning to address and gain payment for such human right abuses. IMSCO’S Reparation -LIST (IRL) and “IMSCO’S Reparation – Fund (IRF)” under a mandate by African people’s hereby serve this notice to all concern and involved in such attacks on African people that African people and IMSCO representatives will carry out to the best of their ability demands set by suffering African people this mandate in all nations and communities of the globe now and in the future until such crimes and abuses have been considered by IMSCO and its appointed representatives as paid in full and returned to the rightful owners.
All who cooperate and partner with African people as global stakeholders in African development needs meeting IMSCO’S -LIST people approval shall receive a full welcome and cooperation to the global African community for select business and trade projects related to interests of African people under IMSCO’S (Good Relations compliance) and charter rules. Those who do not pay the requested levy and fully cooperate will be denied, not welcomed to conduct business and trade freely with African people and their communities.
It is important to understand that African states representatives, the United States of America, South and Latin American, European Nations, the African Union or foreign private companies do not own or have the right to sell African land or resources without the written voted consent of all African people’s Representatives including Africans in the Diaspora respectively. African people human right, right to self-determination and right to collective own and share African property and co-development having never been abandon by African people’s ancestors shall defended the right to trade directly with each other and use every means available to ensure African families right to live and prosper collectively before any none African foreigner. The one billion five hundred million people of Africa and exiled family members in the Diaspora welcome true allies and able partners in the development of Africa that respect the right of African Diaspora and Africans to decide what is best for African people as a family with equal rights to the land and resources of Africans and African Diaspora people foreign and domestic. However Africa is not for sale anymore than China, Korea, Japan, Russia or India.
Human Right and Property Right
Those who try to use pity and aid too jump the African opportunity fence ahead of Africans and Africans exiled in the Diaspora to get back home know well their action is a theft; a cultural crime against humanity. Foreign contracts business and land claims existing or being made under these clandestine acts may not be honored by Africans in Africa or the African Diaspora. Would the invading foreigners wish to have their rightful land and homes over ran by others? We think not. African people demand transparent partnerships direct with African owners / stakeholders. To attempt to do other wise will only invite more international conflicts. African people's land and business culture includes African people in the USA, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean. It is in the best interest of all to respect the global human, cultural property and land rights all African and indigenous people.
IMSCO is a “NGO Specialized with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations” mandated to carry out its humanitarian duty by 192 UN Member States. IMSCO aim is to demand and collect proper levy due African and African Diaspora people past and present to end poverty and assist in total African to African co-development and economic liberation from foreign oppression corruption that divides African people in all areas of co-development as global partners.
Please take the time and read the following and even add your own ideas on how to assist in finding ways to bring success to this much need United Nations MDG’s project.
So African people must now use their vast land resources and economic veto and revolt through their own African Business Spring as others and taking back their inheritance and throwing the exploitive foreigners out and trading with them only from across boarders. Having built America and much of present day Europe Africans in the Diaspora teamed with Africans can rebuild an Africa the will be Africa they can and must take over all management and control as the people of China and India has. Africa did this so well six hundred to two thousand years ago that today the whole world is standing on Africans earth first human to stand and walk upright cultural creations; the constructions of the great civilizations that built Sudan, Ghana, Congo and yes Egypt and Ethiopia to name a few of many empires Africans built and now must rebuild.
IMSCO proudly take this lead role in helping Africans target person(s) and organizations and government systems that has teamed up in corruption and human right violations and crimes against humanity designed to steal historical and present-day African land and wealth. IMSCO people have shown over the centuries that they have the will and power to make their own changes in their lives and will continue to do so using the African Business Spring to take full control of their birthright and inheritance. Witnessed by western economic decline of the green GOD the $ dollar and China and the other grabbing for African land and wealth divided by far too many African failed leaders pulled in 54 directions with the world laughing at them leaving Africans with not enough ground to be buried on. Africans must now go all out and totally protect their vast wealth and land and resources; what money is made of that gives Africans control of their own economy destiny the known world cannot exist without. African people built the first civilization whose foundation still exist in Egypt and across Africa and now they demand back all that was taken and stolen.
It’s not only just the deadly so call fundamentalist that are destroying global civilization that do in fact need corrections; it is the western world greed and racism that are intent on hanging on to the status of BOSS of the world that are destroying our planet and blocking people of color returning home, those who do not sell out their family, land and wider human development needs.
Call on American soldier’s, veterans all who believe in freedom to help
IMSCO urge all professional and non-professionals people from the global community to take this human right stand and support the African Business Spring revolution. IMSCO ask the Protect people’s human right to trade and co-develop and live as dual citizens, free people, or give up your own freedom claim and right to travel and freedom to lands and trade.
IMSCO looks forward to your commitment to be free people and assist other in supporting the use of sanctions to collect the due Reparations and shares of wealth and land Africans and all yes others in need deserves. Most of all to help motivated youth to stand proud and inherit a world with minds free from the yokes of horrors of a world that would see Africans dead in order to grab their land and wealth. Africans will survive this last minute horror before total victory and the world must remember the "Six Degrees of Separation and what's goes around often comes around".
In closing IMSCO’S Reparation -LIST (IRL) and “IMSCO’S Reparation – Fund (IRF)” is a global guide for the African Business Spring. All you and your family and friends need do is support IMSCO with one dollar or more and refuse to purchase buy from any exploitive company or organization to be posted monthly on the IMSCO DO NOT BUY LIST on IMSCO and other websites to block raiders and hackers working for the enemy of the people. If you know something say something? The funds collected is tax 100% deductible and will be 100% for supporting education and a end to poverty through African to African co-development worldwide.
Send IMSCO your list of companies you feel should be boycotted and sanctions listed?
Starting now IMSCO’S Reparation -LIST (IRL) will request quarterly and monthly levy be sent to the above address or account holders? The general public or Africans will receive a list of education and business grants and jobs available monthly if you show proven support for IMSCO’S Reparation -LIST. Marginalized and 100% disabled people living in deep poverty are exempt from needing to show proven support. Send IMSCO a list of foreign and domestic companies and organizations including NGO’s ONG’s and government representatives you feel should be paying levy and doing a better job cooperating fully with African people development.
Report companies to boycott and sanction any wrong doings and send the name and detail information to email:[email protected].
Its up to you the people so make your contribution to:
Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation for building a better world.